How It Works

1.Crowdfunding Phases

  • The platform plans to operate 100 rounds of lottery-fund crowdfunding.

  • Each round requires a minimum holding of $PW to qualify for the whitelist. During a random snapshot by the platform, only users holding the specified amount of $PW will be eligible.

  • Whitelisted users contribute a specified amount of SOL (e.g., 0.3 SOL) to the fund pool for that round.

  • Any profits generated by the fund are split: 80% goes to participating users, and 20% goes to the platform.

2.Required $PW Holdings per Phase

  • Phases 1–10: 1,000,000 $PW

  • Phases 11–20: 900,000 $PW

  • Phases 21–30: 800,000 $PW

  • Phases 31–40: 700,000 $PW

  • Phases 41–50: 600,000 $PW

  • Phases 51–60: 500,000 $PW

  • Phases 61–70: 400,000 $PW

  • Phases 71–80: 300,000 $PW

  • Phases 81–90: 200,000 $PW

  • Phases 91–100: 100,000 $PW

3.Lottery Experts

  • Each phase, a lottery expert with proven track records is invited to select the basket of lottery tokens.

  • After returning the principal to users, 20% of the platform’s revenue from that round is shared with the expert.

4.Fund Operation

  • 100 Token will be select by lottery expert and purchase for each round. Eligibility to participate in each round will be determined based on the amount of $PW held.

  • Early funds (e.g., Phase 1, 2, 3, etc.) can also participate in later phases’ crowdfunding, boosting potential returns.

5.Dividend Distribution

  • If any single lottery token in the fund achieves a high multiple (e.g., 10x or above), the platform triggers a real-time dividend distribution. Profits are returned in SOL to each user’s donation address.

6.Fund Liquidation

  • Each fund running for 6 months. After 6 months, fund holders will be deciding whether continue or liquidate the fund.

  • If the funded pool achieves 100x profit, it will be closed immediately. The donated SOL and profits will then be returned to the donors.

  • If any lottery token yields a 10,000x return, the excess above 10,000x is shared across all funds, ensuring that every participant benefits from the extraordinary gain.

Last updated